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Brandon Holthaus is the CEO for Rock Harbor Academy and the senior pastor at Rock Harbor Church. Brandon was called into the ministry by the Lord, and he has been in full-time ministry since 2000. He has had various ministry positions such as Young Adult Pastor, Adult Pastor, and Minister of Education.

Brandon holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Columbia University, New York, NY. He also holds both a Master of Arts in Religion degree, (Cum Laude), and a Master of Divinity, (Cum Laude) from Liberty University Baptist Theological Seminary, Lynchburg, VA. Brandon’s areas of emphasis include: prophecy, discernment, apologetics, Jewish culture and background, and Biblical worldview polemics. Brandon also has weekly prophecy updates, sermons, and other Bible studies on YouTube (Search: Rock Harbor Church Bakersfield) Rumble (Search: RHC Bakersfield) and Vimeo (Search for: Rock Harbor Church Prophecy).  All audio presentations can be found on Spotify, iTunes, and Pod Bean (Search for: Rock Harbor Church’s The Anchor), and (Search for: Rock Harbor Church or Brandon Holthaus). Brandon is also a professor of Eschatology at Summit Bible College

Marci Davis serves as the CFO and the superintendent for Rock Harbor Academy. Marci worked in public education at the Bakersfield City School District for 27 years where she served as teacher, academic coach, program specialist, vice principal, and principal. She holds a BA with a minor in Spanish, a teaching credential, an administrative services credential, a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction, and a reading authorization certificate. Marci studied the Bible through the Koinonia Institute and holds a bronze medallion. She joined Rock Harbor Church in 2014 where she has served in various ministries. She was appointed as the superintendent for Rock Harbor Academy in 2023.





Michael Hamlin serves as Secretary on the Rock Harbor Academy Board. Mike has worked in public education in the area of Maintenance, Operations and Facilities at the Bakersfield City School District (BCSD) and the Kern High School District for over 30 years. He currently serves as the Director of Maintenance and Facilities at BCSD. Mike has extensive knowledge around the infrastructure that is crucial to running an efficient and safe institution, while meeting the safety and legal requirements governed by state and local entities. Mike and his wife Denise have attended Rock Harbor Church since 2011 when it first opened its doors. Mike currently serves as a deacon and volunteers in a variety of ministries.